Friday, September 20, 2013

LinkedIn and Branding: “LinkedIn” a Professional Network

Did you know that in the last decade, 238 million members made LinkedIn the world’s largest social, professional network? In this decade, LinkedIn developed the process of searching for a job position and building strong and professional relationships far easier than any other search engine. LinkedIn can provide answers to your professional questions, develop resumes, and research job positions.  One of the most recent forms of networking takes place on LinkedIn, where professionals connect on this website in order to expand their network and job search. By connecting through LinkedIn, it expands both your network and opportunity to get your future career. Not only that, but also allows recruiters easy access to your cover letter and resume.

LinkedIn requires its users to be professional for the purpose of networking and job searching. Everyone has to have a professional LinkedIn profile and treat it as an online resume, which should not look similar to a Facebook profile. For example, if you add a picture of yourself in an inappropriate fashion, you may lose job opportunities. In a LinkedIn profile, you add your areas of expertise (i.e. web development, product management, etc.), your past job experiences, and your job description. You must always straighten yourself up and keep your profile concise.

I think LinkedIn has provided a different world and concept of staying professionally connected. It has also helped users to maintain an up-to-date resume and cover letter. This in the process and hope of finding a new job is vital. 


  1. Hey Mari!

    I really enjoyed reading your blog post regarding LinkedIn and branding. I agree with you that it is a great website to professionally brand yourself. You do have to be very careful on what you put on there and all of it must be relevant to who you are as a professional. Your LinkedIn profile should also be up to date to make yourself more appealing to other recruiters. I think it’s important to note that even though you may not be looking for a job, LinkedIn is still just as important since it allows you to build valuable connections with other professionals. Overall, I love this website and plan on utilizing every aspect of it.

    Your post is very informative and provides a great overview of how and why LinkedIn is used by many people. I also love how you write and the way you structured your ideas. Great post! I look forward to reading more.

  2. Hi Mari,

    Nice post.

    I too think that you need to take care in deciding what you post on your LinkedIn profile as potential employers may be viewing your profile, as if they see something that they do not like they might decide to not even give you a chance in the hiring process. And keeping your info concise is another good point because people do not really read another, they tend to skim over stuff, so it's important to keep things short and sweet to hold a person's attention.
